Tag Archives: taylor corrado

Top 6 Non Profit Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading

Top 6? Why not top 5? Well, I like to shake things up around here. Keep it fresh and original. And also, if we’re being honest, I couldn’t stick to just 5 companies but had no desire to write until 10.

Non Profit Marketing Blogs? Those Exist?

Uh, yeah. They do. And if you’re not already reading them then you better start bookmarking! Although I guess my blog sort of falls into that category so you’re already aware that they exist to a certain extent.

Taken from Minn Post

As a social media marketing manager, or someone who is involved in online marketing, it’s your job to stay on top of industry trends. I don’t have to tell you how quickly the social media world changes and therefore how important it is that you’re “constantly in the loop.” I mean, if something as cool as BatKid is happening and your non profit hasn’t mentioned it on social media… that’s just a loss of potential traffic – and your loss is someone else’s gain. It’s also probably in your job description to report any new trends back to your superior, so, you know… That’s important! I know the struggle – I mean, how am I supposed to stay on top of all this information? That’s why I’ve collected some of my favourite non profit marketing blogs to help you stay in the loop. I chose these blogs because I feel they have superior content, a good use of multi-media, attractive and functional design, and most importantly convenient social media sharing. These are, what I believe to be, signs of a well informed social media coordinator, or an industry influencer.

Six Non Profit Marketing Blogs You’re Gonna Wanna Know About

  1. NP Engage
    NP Engage is actually split into 7 different blogs (analytics, CRM, event fundraising, integrated marketing, interactive, non profit management, research and trends, and technology) so it’s just a pool of helpful information. It’s almost overwhelming how many resources they provide. My favourite part of the blog is a weekly segment that they publish called “The Non Profit Weekly Roundup.” The author, Madeline Turner, summarises any relevant information into a few bullet points. It’s a great way to catch up on anything that you might have missed.
  2. Beth’s Blog
    I would be a fool not to mention Beth Kanter in a “best of” post. Beth is a non profit guru. She’s got thousands of followers spread across multiple social media platforms, and it’s because of that she is considered an industry influencer. She recently published a great guide on how to “kickstart your non profits #GivingTuesday campaign” that is a must read for anyone who is planning on being involved.
  3. Kivi’s Non Profit Communications Blog
    What I really love about this blog is how relatable it is. She writes in a conversational tone, which makes the content easy to understand and fun to read. She also hosts lots of well informed guest bloggers, which keeps her content and insights fresh. I love this series that she’s doing called “A Day in the Life of a NonProfit Communicator” where she basically asks communicators coordinators to describe their average day. It’s really insightful and I’d highly suggest reading some of them!
  4. Non Profit Tech For Good
    This might be a shameless plug because I’m interviewing to work for them, but I honestly wouldn’t apply to work at a company that I didn’t think was incredible. If you aren’t making use of their webinars, or if you aren’t aware of their services, you’re seriously missing out. NP Tech For Good’s blog is an incredible resource for anyone looking to further their expertise in social media, mobile media, fundraising, or anything else related to non profit tech. Their whole goal is to provide easy-to-understand information related to non profit technology to non profits… So, that’s pretty much what this entire list is about. And that’s why they’re on it!
  5. Cone Communications
    I’m not sure if I’m “allowed” to include public relations and marketing companies on this list, but whatever. Who can you trust more to keep you up to date with communications trends? And honestly, I love Cone. I love the fact that they have a cause marketing and non profit marketing category on their blog, and I especially love that it’s jam packed with relevant information. Their titles are always quirky, they host tons of guest bloggers, and they know their stuff. They also do a bunch of relevant research and provide their results online.
  6. Hubspot 
    I mean. Duh. If you’re following me on Twitter (and you should seriously re evaluate your life if you aren’t) you’ll notice that I post a lot of articles from Hubspot. Also, if you’re at all involved with inbound marketing you’re probably just as obsessed with Hubspot as I am. Taylor Corrado, one of two non profit savvy employees at Hubspot, is definitely on her way to becoming an industry leader. Not only is she an engaging writer but she knows her stuff. I would keep my eye on her if I were you.

More Non Profit Marketing Tools

Just as a side note – if you’re looking for a way to keep up with industry trends I would also follow my social media and marketing or my cause marketing + non profit tech Flipboard magazine. How’s that for a shameless plug? Also, for more general information on keeping up with social trends and how-tos I would suggest following Mashable Social Good or The Non Profit Quarterly. Pretty much anything that Aine Creedon posts is golden.

But you already knew that! Right? Right.

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